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LightSIM is high quality educational software which covers broad range of topics such as modal analysis in step index and graded index optical fiber, Spot size and offset losses calculation using various methods, attenuation, dispersion measurement for various refractive index profiles, modal analysis in multilayer symmetric and asymmetric planar waveguides, design of directional coupler using planar waveguides, Fiber optic link design etc. It has been designed in such a way that user can actually play with various input parameters, which helps user to learn the subject from fundamental to the advance level. Documentation and help menu containing with the LightSIM improve knowledge of user with better understanding of technical terms related to the subject. Using LightSIM user can visualize various complex optical phenomena through graphs and animations.
LightSIM helps in better understanding of following concepts
- How an optical fiber works and what are the important parameters of a fiber?
- What is fiber mode, how it looks?
- How to find out total number of modes by seeing the graphs and how to control number ofmodes in an optical fiber to make it single mode fiber?
- What is dispersion, how it behaves and how it affects fiber performance?
- What is attenuation, different types of attenuation and how it limits fiber performance?
- How to design a graded index (GI) fiber, what are the important parameters of a GI fiber,Modes in a GI fiber?
- Dispersion measurement in GI fiber, W-type fiber and dual core fiber.
- Symmetric and asymmetric TE/TM modes of a planar waveguide
- How to control number of modes by optimizing various input parameters in a planarwaveguide?
- How to design GI planar waveguide with different refractive index profiles?
- Various modes of a GI planar waveguide.
- Design of a directional coupler using planar waveguide.
- Calculation of attenuation and dispersion limited length for an optical fiber link.
4.1 Features & Benefits of LightSIM
Input/ Output parameter are displayed on same experimental window |
Correlation between the parameters are clearly understood |
Graphical representation of parameters |
Easy to grasp concepts by observing the behaviour of plot |
Data tables for parameters |
Data at each point-of–plot can be derived and saved |
Visualization/Animation of optical phenomena |
Effective clarification of optical concepts |
Documentation and help menu |
Help menu is incorporated within the software for further assistance |
Cross platform |
Compatible on all operating systems |
List of Simulations for LightSIM
Characteristics of Optical Fiber
1) Modes in Step Index Fiber
2) Modes in Graded Index Fiber
3) Modes in Multi Layer Fiber
4) Material Dispersion
5) Intermodal Dispersion
6) Total dispersion in Single Mode Fiber 7) Dispersion in Graded Index Fiber
8) Dispersion in Multi Layer Fiber
9) Total dispersion in Multi Mode Fiber 10) Spot Size in Step Index Fiber
11) Attenuation
12) Offset losses
13) Fiber Bragg Grating Simulator
Design of Planar Waveguides
14) 3-layer symmetric waveguide
15) 3-layer asymmetric waveguide
16) Multilayer symmetric waveguide
17) Multilayer asymmetric waveguide
18) Graded Index Planar waveguide
19) Directional Coupler
Link Design & Testing
20) Attenuation limited link length
21) Dispersion limited link length
22) Link Budget
23) OTDR(Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) Non Linear Effects
24) Self Phase Modulation
25) Cross Phase Modulation
26) Stimulated Raman Scattering
27) Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
28) Soliton Propagation
Price Quote
Price in Indian rupee, Bangladeshi Taka would be different
LightSIM |
95,000/- |
1 Licence |
95,000/- |
2,30,000/- |
Bundle of 3 Licences |
2,30,000/- |
3,25,000/- |
Bundle of 5 Licences |
3,25,000/- |
5,25,000/- |
Bundle of 10 Licences |
5,25,000/- |
Why Choose Fiber Optika Limited
Competitive Advantages
The following are the competitive advantages that differentiate Fiber Optika Technologies Pvt. Ltd. from other manufacturers:
Company Recognition
In business since 2008, Fiber Optika Technologies has helped clients around the world in achieving remarkable improvements in fiber optics training. Today, Fiber Optika stands as a creative and innovative leader, continuing to develop and improve the teaching, learning and training methodologies in optical technology. Whether your institute demands competitive advantage through rapid identification and elimination of nagging inefficiencies, or if it requires the development of a disciplined problem-solving culture, Fiber Optika has a passion for both.
Expertise & Stability
We have proven expertise in identifying the gap between industry and academia and translating them into innovative fiber optic training tools.
To ensure high quality educational products which are directly relevant to university courses in Electronic Engineering and Physics, Fiber Optika designs the products in conjunction with senior academics from the internationally renowned teaching and research groups at IIT Delhi and IIT Roorkee. Our extensive in-house R&D lab empowers our experienced professionals to develop meticulous solution in fiber optic testing and measurement.
Our innovative design philosophy ensures that all desired educational objectives are met and students investigate all essential physical principles and technical issues
History of Success
Recognitions and awards won by Fiber Optika speak volumes about its success.
- Winner of ‘Innovators’ Competition’ at Innovation Growth Programme 2011. Jointly awarded byLockheed Martin Corporation (USA) and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.
- Identified as a ‘Technology of Exceptional Potential’ as a part of Global Entrepreneur Programme 2011 by UK Trade & Investment.
- Winner of ‘Aegis Graham Bell Award 2010’ for Innovative Business & Products in Telecom Hardware.
- Winner of ‘The Power of Ideas Initiative 2010’ as organized by Economic Times and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.
- Nominated for’ Leaders of Tomorrow Awards 2010’ as organized by The Nielsen Company, Indiamart and The Times Group (ET Now).6
Finalist in ‘The Power of Ideas Initiative 2009’ as organized by Economic Times and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.
Customer Service
Experience and passion to transfer knowledge, improve employee/student capabilities, and accelerate business benefits are the building blocks of our successful client relationships. We possess significant global experience and commitment to client success in delivering robust fiber optic training solution to our international clientele. Our post-sales services include:
- 24×7 support available from Fiber Optika’s highly qualified personnel.
- Consultancy is designing and setting up optical communication laboratory and courses.
- Training to teachers based on Light Runner and LightSIM at nominal fees at our trainingcentre.
- Free Software up-gradation for One Year