OptSim Product Overview
OptSim™ is RSoft’s award-winning software tool for the design and simulation of optical communication systems at the signal propagation level. With state-of-the-art simulation techniques, an easy-to-use graphical user interface and lab-like measurement instruments, OptSim provides unmatched accuracy and usability. The software has been commercially available since 1998 and is in use by leading engineers in both academic and industrial organizations worldwide.
Layout of a 111 Gbps dual-polarized QPSK system with coherent reception
- Virtual prototyping of optical communication systems for increased productivity and reduced time to market.
- Design optimization for enhanced performance and reduced costs.
- Interfaces with third-party tools such as MATLAB® and the Luna Optical Vector Analyzer.
- Advanced electrical modeling with embedded SPICE engine.
OptSim is ideally suited for computer-aided design of optical communication systems including, but not limited to:
- Coherent optical communication systems, such as PM-QPSK, PM-BPSK, PM-QAM, OFDM
- Advanced modulation formats, such as D(Q)PSK, Duobinary, BPSK, m-PAM, m-QAM, etc.
- DWDM/CWDM system with optical amplification, such as EDFA, Raman, SOA, OPA
- FTTx/PON, including BPON, G(E)PON, WDM-PON, coherent PON, RSOA-based bi-directional PON
- Analog and digital CATV, radio-over-fiber, and microwave photonic links
- Electronic Dispersion Compensation (EDC)
- Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyroscope (iFoG)
- Free Space Optics (FSO)
- Optical interconnects
- Soliton transmission
- Support for multiple parameter-scans-based optimization.
- Only design tool with multiple engines implementing both the Time Domain Split Step and the Frequency Domain Split Step for the most accurate and efficient simulation of any optical link architecture.
- MATLAB® interface makes it easy to develop custom user models using the m-file language and/or the Simulink®modeling environment.
- Interfaces with laboratory test equipment such as Agilent and Luna to merge simulation with experiment.
- Interfaces with device-level design tools such as BeamPROP and LaserMOD provide a powerful mixed-level design flow for optoelectronic circuits and systems.
- Co-simulation with embedded SPICE engine, and interfaces with EDA tools such as Synopsys HSPICE for a mixed-domain electrical and optical simulation.
- Application Programming Interface (API) for programming languages such as C/C++ for the development of custom user models.
- Best Fit Laser Toolkit™ makes customizing powerful rate-equation laser model parameters to fit desired performance characteristics easily.
- Extensive library of predefined manufacturer components makes it easy to model commercially available devices.
- Intuitive and flexible measurement post-processing graphical interface acts like a virtual laboratory instrument.
OptSim – MATLAB cosimulation project layout. An Electro Absorption Modulator
with Chirp is modeled using MATLAB m-file programming language.
The MATLAB engine is automatically invoked by OptSim at runtime to simulate the EAM model.
Application Gallery

Dispersion Compensation

Receiver Sensitivity

TDM Link and Demultiplexing in Time Domain

FTTH System with GEPON Access Architecture

Analog CATV Examples

Effective Loss Due to Stimulated Brillouin Scattering

NRZ, RZ, CRZ and CSRZ Modulation

Study of Duobinary Transmitter

Cladding-Pumped EDFA

Er-Yb-Based Master-Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA)

DQPSK Modulation: BER curves as function of OSNR

DWDM Ring with OADM (Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer) Nodes

Monte Carlo Analysis: Uncertainties in Q and BER

Bidirectional Modeling of RSOA-based PONs

Dispersion-Managed Soliton

BDC based burstmode receiver in PON systems

Interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (I-FOG)

Coherent PM-QPSK versus RZ-DQPSK and DPSK for high bitrate systems

Nyquist-WDM PM-16QAM Transmission System